Through the Silver Rose program, we ask the Blessed Mother to guide us as we step into the breach and fight against the culture of death that grips our society.

Each year, silver roses journey along routes across North America including Canada, the United States, and Mexico.  Along the way, the roses are handed off from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and council to council (click here for a map and list of the current route schedules, as well as other program resources). With these silver roses, we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe and affirm our dedication to the sanctity of human life.

As you may know, some of this year’s routes were limited due to COVID-19. To offer everyone the opportunity to participate, on July 29th at 5pm(Arizona Time), Supreme will be streaming a Virtual Silver Rose Prayer Service. The link to the stream can be found here:

The rose used in the service was blessed by Pope Francis in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the program during a February 2020 meeting between the Holy Father, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, and Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori at the Vatican.

I encourage you and the members of your council to open the link and pray together.Councils that promote and coordinate participation in this streamed event can claim one program credit toward the Columbian Award.

If you cannot participate on the 29th, you are also welcome to host a virtual event with your council at a future date using the link to the prayer service from YouTube above (recording available after July 29th). To do this, simply access the link, share your screen, and stream the video from a video-conferencing site. For a list of tools available to stream the prayer service, either open the attached “Virtual Silver Rose Prayer Service Tools” .PDF file, or visit this resource on Tools for Remote Meetings.

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