Jesus said to him in reply, ‘It also says, ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.’

Lk 4:12

This week Jesus, fresh from his baptism in the Jordon, heads out into the desert for forty days and is tempted by the Devil three times. The Devil and his minions constantly bombard the Church and us with temptations. We forget that the Church is made of just men called to serve the Lord. These men, just like us, fail to avoid the Devil’s temptations. He wants us to fail, lose faith in our Church, step away from God, and follow him. We have to unite behind our priests and pray that they avoid sin in their daily lives as we should be asking God to send down his Holy Spirit upon us to help us ward off the temptations of the Devil and his minions. Unlike Jesus, we will often stumble and fail the test. Knowing this, Jesus, on the Father’s command, instituted the sacrament of reconciliation for the forgiveness of sins. We are called to attend this aforementioned sacrament at least once a year during the season of Lent. We should take the example of our Holy Fathers and make time to participate in this sacrament as often as is needed to purify our souls. Rember our order’s watchword Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori, Time Flys. Remember Death.

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