According to the CDC, in 2019, abortions have fallen to the lowest numbers since Roe vs. Wade, but abortions are still being legally performed in the United States. The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative provides funds to purchase costly ultrasound machines for crisis pregnancy centers. Ultrasound technology allows a mother to see her developing child and recognize the miracle of life within her. As a result, thousands of mothers have decided to keep their babies.

On February 5, 2022, at 6:00 PM in St Andrew, the Apostle’s Hennessey Hall four valley Knights of Columbus councils held their Third Annual Ultrasound Fundraiser Dinner as part of the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative. The Knights of Columbus Supreme and State Councils will match funds raised and all proceeds will go to purchase a new ultrasound machine for a crisis pregnancy center in the state of Arizona.


If you would like to make a donation to this event you can click the button below to use our PayPal account. All proceeds will go to purchase a new ultrasound machine for a crisis pregnancy center in the state of Arizona.



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